Credits and Heading Out

Thank you for dropping by this little corner of the web dedicated to Yamamoto Takeshi. I hope that you found this site helpful or enjoyable and that you will take time in the future to visit it again. That being said, as the final page of this website where you can find images to link back with and my list of wonderful affiliates. Additionally, you can use this as a final chance to see the sources I used when creating this layout and coding this website.

Linking Back

This shrine was originally named "Death Rain" I felt the title didn't fit and after a lot of thought I decided to change the name of the shrine to "RainShine." Therefore some of these codes, which were received during the Amassment Banner Trading Meme have been modified to reflect the name change. I did this because I was able to match the fonts on the icons. Click the link to see the creator.


Here are some of our lovely affiliates. I hope you'll take the time to visit each of them because all of them are equally impressive. If you want your site to be listed among this fine group, please contact me.


Image Resources: Minitokyo.NET, Weekly Shounen Jump, Waifu2x
Software: Notepad++ and Adobe Photoshop CS6
Textures & Brushes: Subtle Patterns, Pstutorialsws, and VikyVampirs90
Font(s) Used: Ostrich Sans and Chasing Embers